Saturday, June 5, 2010

.... and the Journey Continues

Ok. So I am guessing that you thought I fell of the face of the earth ....... not so much. Things around here have been very crazy, especially since the end of April...... Let the story begin....
It all started the last week of April when our little guy once again got croup. This is not unusual for him, but this time I was not able to get it under control, nor could the meds get it contained. A week after being diagnosed with the croup, Parker was admitted in the hospital were we would spend the next ten days. While there we learned that the baby had two forms of pneumonia, mono, sever asthma, an enlarged liver and then he ended up with a staph infection on his left hand.
As a mom, I thought that my worse nightmare would be the constant fear of always worrying that something would happen to my baby. Well, I found out that it is actually when something does happen. As I stood by Parker's bed as he laid so helpless I as a mom felt so helpless. There was nothing I could do or say that could make my little guy better. As he laid not being able to lift up his little head or open up his beautiful blue eyes I filled up with tears on the in and outside. It was the most awful feeling in the world. On day number ten of our hospital stay Parker actually started to come around - not much, but we would take anything at this point - he eat something for the first time in two weeks and he begin to walk very short distances for the first time in over a week.
Once he was discharged from the hospital we begin our journey to wellness with a number of new pediatric specialist that were apart of his team of doctors during our stay at Florida Hospital for Children. As of last week things were progressing nicely. His enlarged liver was down in size by about 60%. Dr. Sanjay feels strongly that this enlargement was caused by the mono and all the other infections in his small body. We go back in a month and we are hoping that the liver will be back to normal. Until then, we must try to keep this very active two year old little boy from engaging in any contact type activities (almost impossible). We also met with the pediatric pulmonologist last week. Dr. Verma has taken him off the pulmocort via nebulizer that he was on (keep in mind it was five times the normal dose) and has replaced it with an inhaler that is just as strong, but only takes less then a minute. He will remain on his albuteral via nebulizer for whizzing (as needed). Before returning in a month he is to have another chest x-ray to see if the pneumonia has cleared the lungs. As well, at our next visit he will receive a number of allergy test. His staph infection on his hand is doing very well. I must say, it was one of the weirdest things I had seen. He is now using his had on a regular basis, but will still treat it tenderly at times.
As we continue our journey through the heeling process I will keep you posted. I want to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, visits, calls and cards. God is truly a miracle working and Parker is a sign of that. God bless my little boy!!!!!

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